Friday, September 10, 2010

Four Point Creamy Alfredo Chicken Dinner

Put oven at 400 degrees.
I'm back to WW.  Yes, I am.  Here is a delicious little succulent dinner I made last night.  I cooked up a frozen chicken breast so then I knew exactly how many points it was, which was two.  Then I poured 1/2 cup of diced tomatoes over cooked chicken together with 1/4 cup of creamy roast pepper alfredo sauce and put back into the oven to warm through.

For a side dish I made about 3 cups of Europe's Best mixed green and yellow beans and boiled in a pot until just al dente.  Once you drain the beans, add 1/2 tbsp. of lemon juice, a pinch of parmesan seasoning, salt and pepper and toss.  Put your whole gorgeous dinner on a plate and chow down.  Only four points!  I just about added cheese to my chicken, but didn't and saved my calories for dessert later.  XOXOXO



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