Friday, July 11, 2014

Roast Pans of Veggies and They Will Never Go To Waste Again!!!

Happy Summer!  Hi everyone, I've missed posting here and plan on making regular appearances again.  Not sure where I've been, but need to try lots more fun recipes so I can share them with you.  I have however put together full binders of all of my most favourite recipes from the past 10 years and that took a little while. Summer is such a gorgeous and abundant time for produce but if you're like me, you get so joyfully overwhelmed in the grocery store that you overload your grocery cart with too much produce and it can easily go to waste before you get a chance to eat it up!  Over the last two days I've taken to pan roasting every single vegetable in my refrigerator.  Of course you can also BBQ them as well.  All you need to do is layer your peppers, eggplant, onions, mushrooms on a pan with a good dose of olive oil, pepper, salt, garlic, rosemary, you name it and pop it into the oven at 350 until perfect.  Last night I roasted a full pan of cauliflower and fennel.  I then put the roasted peppers, eggplant, onions and mushrooms into a 1 liter Tupperware and have since put them over chicken and tossed them into a tortellini salad!  My goodness they are amazing!  Today, I will have the cauliflower and fennel combo with something...not sure what yet!  So roast your veggies my friends and put an end to their neglect.  You will love them!


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