Monday, November 05, 2012

Left Over Croissants Made Into Bacon and Eggy Breakfast Sandwiches!

For a few days I watched a gorgeous little package of butter croissants wait eagerly for my family to devour them and enjoy for breakfast.  Each day I asked the kids, "Would you like a toasted croissant for breakfast?"  And each day they would reply "no thanks mom."  Of course I think I was projecting my own croissant desires on them and didn't eat a crumb because I would then eat the entire thing.  To allow these beautiful croissants go to waste would have been a crime so I eagerly searched the internet for a way to use up croissants in a recipe.  Of course there were sandwich ideas, and strata ideas...but then I came across such a unique way of using up croissants I couldn't wait to make them - and guess what?  They're DELISH not to mention hubby approved.

Tear up 8 croissants into little bits and put aside.  Then mix together 1/4 cup chopped onion 3/4 cup of flour, 1 tbsp. baking powder with 3 tbsp. of white wine (I used red today), 1 cup of milk, 1/2 cup of half and half, 8 eggs, two cups of cheddar cheese (or whatever other cheese you'd like) and a cup of real bacon bits.  Don't forget to add a little salt, pepper, and garlic too.  Mix with the croissants and once blended  pop the batter into lightly greased muffin tins and bake for about 25 minutes.  Check periodically and touch the top to make sure that they are done.  Oh, I think you will love these!  What an absolutely COOL way to use up croissants (any other bread would probably do too).


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