Monday, April 09, 2012

Turkey, Havarti, and Prosciutto Puff Pastry Pizza

I'm hardly a genious for putting this one together as everyone knows puff pastry with anything is supremely sublime. However, this little concoction was the perfect way to use up turkey leftovers. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

Roll out your puff pastry and put on a cookie sheet. Cook for about 10 minutes or until brown. Cool the puff pastry and top with about 2 cups of havarti cheese. Spread the cheese around so its nice and even on the puff pastry. Then you can top with prosciutto, little chunks of turkey, maybe even a fresh herb of your choosing, pop it into the oven for a few more minutes and cook just until the cheese is nicely melted. Take out and cut into pleasurable squares. Enjoy! XO


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