Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Cracked the Bourbon Chicken Code!!!!

OK - for too long I've been trying to find a recipe that remotely comes close to the one and only bourbon chicken recipe that I so adore and I got it! I can't wait to experiment with spices and stuff, but this is definitely the beginning! Though I will say, it was bourbon less....this time.

First I marinaded skinless chicken thighs for the afternoon in a little concoction of fresh garlic, olive oil and Greek salad dressing. Hell that's all I had. Then I put it in the oven at, you guessed it, 350 for about 20 minutes. Then I tossed the chicken into a frying pan with a little bit of butter and maple syrup, let it cook until brown/blacked on both sides and voila! Fantastical! I did a no sugar version with maple extract, a little butter and 2 whole packs of splenda. Oh baby, I am in heaven. I'm thinking some chipoltle may do the trick next time.



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